"Ketika pena telah diangkat, dan lembaran-lembaran telah mengering..."

"Banker to the Poor"

Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in 1983, fueled by the belief that credit is a fundamental human right. His objective was to help poor people escape from poverty by providing loans on terms suitable to them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so they could help themselves.

From Dr. Yunus' personal loan of small amounts of money to destitute basketweavers in Bangladesh in the mid-70s, the Grameen Bank has advanced to the forefront of a burgeoning world movement toward eradicating poverty through microlending. Replicas of the Grameen Bank model operate in more than 100 countries worldwide.

Born in 1940 in the seaport city of Chittagong, Professor Yunus studied at Dhaka University in Bangladesh, then received a Fulbright scholarship to study economics at Vanderbilt University. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Vanderbilt in 1969 and the following year became an assistant professor of economics at Middle Tennessee State University. Returning to Bangladesh, Yunus headed the economics department at Chittagong University.

From 1993 to 1995, Professor Yunus was a member of the International Advisory Group for the Fourth World Conference on Women, a post to which he was appointed by the UN secretary general. He has served on the Global Commission of Women's Health, the Advisory Council for Sustainable Economic Development and the UN Expert Group on Women and Finance.

Professor Yunus is the recipient of numerous international awards for his ideas and endeavors, including the Mohamed Shabdeen Award for Science (1993), Sri Lanka; Humanitarian Award (1993), CARE, USA; World Food Prize (1994), World Food Prize Foundation, USA; lndependence Day Award (1987), Bangladesh's highest award; King Hussein Humanitarian Leadership Award (2000), King Hussien Foundation, Jordan; Volvo Environment Prize (2003), Volvo Environment Prize Foundation, Sweden; Nikkei Asia Prize for Regional Growth (2004), Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan; Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Award (2006), Roosevelt Institute of The Netherlands; and the Seoul Peace Prize (2006), Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation, Seoul, Korea. He is a member of the board of the United Nations Foundation.

From Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 2006, Editor Karl Grandin, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 2007

This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and later published in the book series Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures. The information is sometimes updated with an addendum submitted by the Laureate.

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2006


Konfigurasi DHCP Server pada Mikrotik Router OS

Ketika kondisi jaringan membutuhkan konfigurasi IP Address secara otomatis, maka sebaiknya alternatif solusi yang kita berikan adalah dengan menambahkan layanan DHCP Server, dimana server ini akan melakukan leased pada scope IP yang telah kita tentukan. Konfigurasi pengalamatan dengan menggunakan layanan ini akan memudahkan seorang administrator jaringan dalam mengkonfigurasi IP Address jika kebutuhan host relatif besar. Kebutuhan akan pengalamatan secara otomatis ini juga dapat diterapkan pada media jaringan dengan koneksi berbasis wireless, dimana host akan melakukan request IP Dynamic untuk dapat terhubung dan dikenali oleh perangkat Access Point untuk melakukan share ke segment jaringan (internet) yg lainnya.

Adapun langkah-langkah di dalam melakukan konfigurasi Mikrotik Router OS untuk membuat layanan DHCP Server adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Masuk ke winbox -> pilih IP -> Pilih DHCP Server

2. Pilih DHCP Setup -> Pilih NIC (interface yang akan dijadikan DHCP Server)

3. Menentukan network yang akan menggunakan layanan DHCP (dalam case ini saya menggunakan network prefix /28 (

4. Menentukan IP gateway (dalam case ini saya memasang server NAT plus DHCP server)

5. Menentukan range IP Address yang disewakan (note penting: tidak termasuk IP DHCP Server)

6. Menentukan DNS Server (dalam case ini mesin DNS server juga saya integrasikan dengan layanan DHCP Server)

7. Menentukan leased duration time (waktu maksimum untuk melakukan lease IP dynamic tersebut/dalam case ini saya memberikan leased untuk rolled back setiap 2 jam sekali)

8. Konfigurasi DHCP Server Selesai

9. Terlihat layanan DHCP Server telah dipakai oleh salah satu client dg IP dengan nama host "zaid", dengan leased duration yang telah ditentukan.

Sekian dan selamat mencoba :)


Zaid Amin


Green Networking

Energy Efficient Networking Solutions from LGS Innovations

The U.S. Federal Government is looking for ways to reduce its environmental footprint through implementing energy efficient solutions that lower its power consumption, use renewable energy, reduce the use of hazardous materials, and reduce greenhouse gases – all while maintaining or improving its ability to perform its missions while lowering costs. Minimizing Federal Agencies’ dependence on energy is critical: not only is energy usage expensive and a contributing factor to global warming and other environmental concerns, but energy can also be hard to come by – particularly in rural and undeveloped areas that are frequently the focus of agency missions, be it on the home front or the battlefield.
Information and communications technology (ICT) is a significant source of power consumption. For example, faster, more powerful and dense telecommunications hardware generates significant heat and imposes considerable data center cooling requirements. With computer room air conditioning (CRAC) and cooling systems accounting for up to 45 percent of the energy consumed in the data center, the U.S. Federal Government is re-evaluating traditional approaches to data center cooling and seeking to lower costs and increase efficiencies through reduced power consumption, better utilization of space, and improved eco-sustainability.
As part of its effort to find more energy efficient solutions, the U.S. Federal Government is seeking to meet a range of energy efficiency mandates, including:
  • The need to operate as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible
  • The need to maximize energy efficiencies
  • The need to address environmental and green-computing initiatives
  • The need to manage and reduce operational complexity
  • The need to minimize the impact on present data center infrastructure

LGS Innovations: Industry Leader in Energy Efficiency

LGS Innovations delivers cost-effective energy efficient networking solutions that align with a range of agency programs, including cost-effective operations, optimization of energy efficiencies, reduced management complexity, and the need to meet green computing initiatives. Extensive experience and the ability to leverage Bell Labs’ energy efficient networking solutions around thermal design and cooling technologies give LGS Innovations the knowledge and leadership to serve as the strategic partner in transforming U.S. Federal Government networks.
LGS Innovations’ commitment to energy efficiency is a reflection of our parent company’s commitment to reduce the impact of our communications and network solutions on the environment. Alcatel-Lucent has established a comprehensive eco-sustainability program, “Driving an Eco-sustainable Communications Transformation,” with a strategy that focuses on:
  • Direct eco-benefits: We are building smarter, more energy-efficient, eco-sustainable networks, and we are addressing innovation at all layers. We evaluate the environmental impact of our products and networks to help drive innovation in both new and existing networks and equipment.
  • Indirect eco-benefits: We are creating innovative energy efficient solutions and services that enable significant environmental benefits in different business sectors while enriching people’s lives in sustainable ways through such techniques as smart metering, smart buildings, smart transport, and teleworking.
  • Eco-efficient operations: We are embedding environmental responsibility into the way we think and operate; eco-sustainability is integrated throughout our operations.
Alcatel-Lucent signed the “Caring for Climate” initiative in December 2007, and remains committed to setting goals, implementing corporate strategies and using more energy efficient solutions, and reducing our carbon footprint.
The U.S. Federal Government can be confident that LGS Innovations’ energy efficient  networking solutions incorporate energy saving strategies that span across its product lines:
  • At the hardware level: High-efficiency power amplifiers, highly integrated modules (such as the Twin TRX in GSM), or the multi-carrier power amplifier for mixed GSM, W-CDMA and LTE
  • At the software level: Dynamic software adaptation of the power consumption to the traffic carried with dynamic power save in GSM, automatic carrier switch-off in W-CDMA, etc.
  • At the site level: ‘No air conditioning’ utilizing outdoor cabinets, ‘no feeders’ implementing remote radio head technology
  • At the wireless network level: High-coverage radio solutions like the Twin TRX in coverage mode in GSM, beamforming in WiMAX, etc.

Energy Efficient Network Solutions at Work 

The Modular Cooling Solution was deployed in Alcatel-Lucent’s IPTV lab in Plano, Texas , where it has helped address demanding challenges and deliver quantifiable benefits of energy efficient solutions. Specifically, the goals were to:
  • Develop and deploy a cost-effective cooling solution for a 17-server cabinet lab
  • Increase server reliability and density
  • Improve real estate utilization
  • Reduce energy costs
The installation of the infrastructure and cooling system took place over several weeks and was fully operational by June 2009, ahead of schedule. What’s more, the results were immediate and dramatic:
  • Reduction of exhaust (hot) aisle temperature from 40¼C (104¼F) to 22¼C (72¼F)
  • Reduction of internal server temperatures from 32¼C (90¼F) to 24¼C (75¼F)
  • Reduction of noise levels and energy consumption, since servers’ internal fans will run at lower speeds
  • Reduction of building air conditioning load
  • Reduction of overall operating expense
  • Improved server reliability

100GB Networking

The U.S. Federal Government is moving to deliver higher bandwidth technologies that support 100G (gigabit per second) network capacity to ease strain on networks and maintain superior performance – thus avoiding potentially disastrous service bottlenecks.

The jump from 10G or 40G to 100G significantly increases transmission speeds: it enables one network fiber to transport 8.8 TB/sec. This accelerated exchange of data can easily enable a dramatic increase in the use of high-bandwidth applications like video in areas as diverse as battlefield medicine, equipment training, VTC, and video surveillance. It only takes one second to transmit a 90-minute HD video using a 100G interface. With video growing to exceed 91 percent of global consumer traffic by 2014 and Internet video alone predicted to account for 57 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2014, the changing landscape of networking demands the best-available solutions for video transmission.

LGS Innovations and its parent company, Alcatel-Lucent, have taken a leadership position in the industry as the only supplier to offer deployable 100G solutions in both the IP and optics domains. In optics, 100G next generation coherent technology is an innovative and economically viable solution for new deployments. Likewise in IP, the power of 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GE) supports speed, services, and scalability with no compromise.

Key features of Alcatel-Lucent’s 100G solutions include:

  • Higher integration and longer transmission reach
  • Lower network complexity, operational costs, and power consumption
  • Unprecedented compatibility with lower-speed transport infrastructures (such as 10G and 40G)

  • Designed to address the booming bandwidth demands driven by streaming technology, Web applications, file sharing, and high definition video, 100G solutions from LGS Innovations scale existing networks to 100G without performance degradation, and provide an economically viable platform for new optical networking deployments. 

    Leveraging its long heritage with Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent has long invested in research and experiments in 100G optical transmission and next generation coherent technology. The benefits of this focus are demonstrated in the success of the company’s offerings. Because Alcatel-Lucent offers both 100G optical transport and 100G Ethernet technologies, LGS Innovations can provide U.S. Federal Government agencies with significantly higher integration and network coverage for the lowest operational costs and power consumption. The optical component leverages PDM-QPSK with coherent detection for best-in-class 100G/s transmission. Alcatel-Lucent has implemented the optics technology on its leading Photonic Service Switch platform, the 1830 PSS.

    The unmatched end-to-end scalability, performance, and low cost-per-bit transport of the Alcatel-Lucent optical solution for achieving 100G communication are due to breakthrough innovations such as optimized modulation formats, which reduce the negative effects of dramatic increases in line rates, and coherent detection, which doubles the transported capacity and increases the spectral efficiency.

    Other technological advances include photonic OAM with Wavelength Tracker, to monitor and trace each wavelength at any point in the network, dispersion compensation, and superior tolerance for optical noise. Transmission distances can be extended without costly regeneration, and the signal can pass through more Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) The Alcatel-Lucent optical 100G solutions also boast the best ability to achieve fast wavelength reconfigurations.



    Instalasi Mikrotik Router OS Pada VMware

        Pada tutorial ini, saya mencoba untuk menampilkan dokumentasi sederhana tentang bagaimana kita memulai untuk mengenal MIkrotik Router OS dengan melakukan instalasi OS pada tools virtual os seperti menggunakan tools VMware, hal yang paling utama kita persiapkan adalah file *.iso Mikrotik Router OS nya, anda dapat melakukan searching di google untuk melihat dimana repository terbaru untuk file *.iso tersebut dan berikut beberapa langkah-langkah dalam instalasi nya (dalam hal ini MIkrotik Router OS yang saya gunakan sudah sampai pada level 6). 


    1. Tentukan space di vmware  500 mb saja
    2. Masukkan file *. iso Mikrotik pada drive cd room
    3. Atur parameter device dan Start Power On
    4. Proses Mounting ; Tekan a (all) ; Tekan I (install)


    5. Proses Start Up; Pilih : y


    6.  Reboot Machine

    7. Instalasi selesai dan kemudian masuk ke Mikrotik Router OS

    *Autentikasi Login:
    *User : admin
    *Pass : [tekan enter]

    8. Masuk halaman antar muka Mikrotik Router OS

    9. Kemudian kita coba menghubungkan interface Mikrotik Router OS tersebut ke Tools Winbox (GUI Configuration), lalu Ubah Setting Network Adapter menjadi -> custom -> vmnet1  (pemilihan setting NIC dapat mempengaruhi koneksi antara VMware dan Host OS yang kita gunakan).

    10.Pemilihan setting NIC pada VMware (vmnet1) artinya kita menggunakan koneksi NIC virtual dengan ID Custom = Vmnet1.

    11. Untuk menghindari redundant koneksi kita matikan NIC vmnet8 (disable)

    12. Masuk ke antarmuka Winbox -> Pilih Interface MAC Address Mikrotik (lebih baik memilih remote dengan pilihan MAC Address daripada menggunakan IP Address

    13. Memilih interfaces berdasarkan MAC Address

    14. Antar Muka GUI Configuration Winbox -> OK

    15. Atur Lisensi -> System -> License

    16. Masukkan Key Lisensi

    17. Proses Reboot 

    18. Lisensi Level 6 Aktif

    Selesai, anda kemudian dapat melanjutkan konfigurasi Mikrotik Router OS sesuai dengan kebutuhan.


    Zaid Amin


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