"Ketika pena telah diangkat, dan lembaran-lembaran telah mengering..."


Yesterday on Nov 19 2008, I have been completed Phase II and through to Phase III of the Netspace competition, sincerely in the beginning of the competition I wonder and sometimes think to stop, why bro, why ? is this about your daily or what !? come on, you are in 40%...

in the other, my spirit and my commitment fully push me under the limit... I'm not sure I'm indeed.. hehehe...

but, I believe bro I can pass it... so what's the point ?

40 % really ? of the region in Asia Pacific ... " they said that " ...

hhhh ... boring to "broadcast" ...

where are you my queen ? &%#*^%#* ;p


Dear NetSpace Skills Pursuit Competitor,

We had some issues with the launch of Phase III that have now been resolved. If you logged on to the NetSpace Skills Pursuit in the past 24 hours to see if you made it to Phase III on the competition Skills track, it would have said that you were in Open Play. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Congratulations! You are in the top 40% for your region and have qualified to continue on the Skills track on Phase III. You are still in the running for one of the prize packages. Phase III is open until December 3, 2009. The top 1,000 competitors at the end of Phase III will continue onto Phase IV on the competition Skills track which opens on December 4, 2008 and closes December 18, 2008. The top 10 scores on each leader board at the end of Phase IV will win a prize package. Winners will be announced on January 8, 2009 as we need to verify that all winners are actual Networking Academy students or alumni.

If you ever have issues with the NetSpace site, please send an email to NetSpace@external.cisco.com.

Good luck with the NetSpace Skills Pursuit competition!

Best regards,

Tracy Granlund

Student Advocacy Team

Cisco Networking Academy



Abbreviations like Kb, KB, Mb and GB are often confused, misunderstood or used incorrectly. Here's a brief explanation of proper usage.

Let's start at the beginning. The only data that a computer can understand is on (1) and off (1). But those two simple commands can be grouped into millions of combinations and it is the way they are grouped in series that creates complex data.

The basic unit is called a bit (binary digit). Each bit has an electronic switch, or gate. If the gate is open the bit is on and electricity can go through. The computer reads on or open switches as a number 1. If the gate is closed or off, the electricity is blocked and the computer reads off bits as 0.

Bits can be grouped together to allow more complex code. Eight bits are grouped together to form a byte. This allows 256 possible combinations of 1/0. The abbreviation for bit is a lowercase "b"; the abbreviation for byte is an uppercase "B". Bits and bytes can then be expressed in larger measurements. They are generally expressed in exponents of two, known as binary code

The Standards

Although computer data is normally measured in binary code, the prefixes for the multiples are based on the metric system. The nearest binary number to 1,000 is 2^10 or 1,024; thus 1,024 bytes was named a Kilobyte. So, although a metric "kilo" equals 1,000 (e.g. one kilogram = 1,000 grams), a binary "Kilo" equals 1,024 (e.g. one Kilobyte = 1,024 bytes). Not surprisingly, this has led to a great deal of confusion.

In December 1998, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) approved a new IEC International Standard. Instead of using the metric prefixes for multiples in binary code, the new IEC standard invented specific prefixes for binary multiples made up of only the first two letters of the metric prefixes and adding the first two letters of the word "binary". Thus, for instance, instead of Kilobyte (KB) or Gigabyte (GB), the new terms would be kibibyte (KiB) or gibibyte (GiB).

Sometimes in the routine life, just a few abbreviations involved with our activity, it's like about bits,B ytes, KBytes and the end GBytes, it's not underestimated fact, if we far from ZByte and up.

In other case, when question comes during on my study, which that Subnetting or in Network design activity, record data stream capture or any field's are involve the abbreviations meter, sincerely I've been stack or confused, little forget exactly, ;) which one that's correctly to calculate the metric.

but, come on !! soon you will be graduate man, how could you answer if your knowledge about abbreviations and the role of it 's none, where's your basically
By the way, here are brief summaries of the Old Standard and the IEC Standard:

IEC Standard 1 bit (bit) = 0 or 1 = one binary digit

1 Octet = Always 8 bits
1 kilobit (kbit) = 10^3 bits = 1,000 bits

1 megabit (Mbit) = 10^6 bits = 1,000,000 bits

1 gigabit (Gbit) = 10^9 bits = 1,000,000,000 bits

1 terabit (Tbit) = 10^12 bits = 1,000,000,000,000 bits

1 petabit (Pbit) = 10^15 bits = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bits

1 exabit (Ebit) = 10^18 bits = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits

1 zettabit (Zbit) = 10^21 bits = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits

1 yottabit (Ybit) = 10^24 bits = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits

Binary to Decimal Conversion to Decimal Conversion
Converting binary to decimal examples:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1: Bit values
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 255
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 = 15
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 = 85
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 = 131
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 = 22

Binary (Cont.) (Cont.)
Bits Binary Decimal

0 00000000 0
1 10000000 128
2 11000000 192
3 11100000 224
4 11110000 240
5 11111000 248
6 11111100 252
7 11111110 254
8 11111111 255

Math to Memorize! to Memorize!
Subnet mask First Subnet'

256-192 =64
256-224 =32
256-240 =16
256-248 =8
256-252 =4

Powers of 2 Powers of 2


Courtesy of : Globalnet Training Inc. - CCNA/DA Copyright 2002/2003


When financial crisis become a "disaster"

ha !

yup ketika krisis finansial berbuah bencana , apa yang bisa kita lakukan kecuali Cash Bon !
hehe.. kasus balon meletus bos ...kekeke ...

laptop. tiger, tanah, massage (hehehe) bikin pas,pis,pus pengeluaran gue bulan ini...
dari hasil kalkulasi yang sedikit 'unbalance' dapat disimpulkan bahwa gue mengalami suatu kondisi resisi yang tidak terduga (alias tekor .. kor..kor) hhh ... nasiiib..

apakah anda pernah mengalami hal seperti ini .. ?

atau anda seharusnya bilang ... sampe kapan sih kita bicara masalah finansial ... masalah kesejahteraan dan ideal ... bla.bla.bla..(hmmm .. unjung2nya menjadi manusia yg tak pandai bersyukur lg)...

dalam ilmu hemat pangkal kaya .... kondisi ini meng-indikasikan ketika pemasukan tidak lagi sejalan dengan pengeluaran, hehehe.... iyalah ngga' jalan berbarengan .. la wong pengeluarannya finish duluan ... kekeke....

lo kok jadi mengeluh gini ... id ?#%^*%*

bulan kmrn sih rncnanya mau ngambil D60 bro, cm dipikir-pikir lg serta melalui perenungan yg panjang dan sedikit intuisi walaupun maksa ... akhirnya gue beralih guyurin buat ngelengkapin peralatan lab (yeah lab) ;p hehehe ...

btw, mmg gue pnya impian untuk buat lab networking di kamar gue, yang entah kapan akan menjadi the real engineering lab (waa seandainya ... networking dan lab music menjadi nyata...) l

ah, jadi ngayal gini, tau lagi defisit masih wae khayalan tingkat tinggi ...

ok deh btw let's fix the bug gayz !

ada beberpa point yang mungkin bs djadiin pelajaran bwt gue :

1. kali ini gue harus belajar untuk bener-bener membedakan antara apa itu keinginan dan apa itu kebutuhan

2. butuh komitmen yang kuat untuk bisa berhemat dan prioritaskan hal-hal yang primer dlu kali, (makan, bensin, dan kredit2an yg laen)

3. belajar dari orang china deh kayaknya, dari sekian cent yang keluar sampe yg masuk harus dihitung secara sistematis ... weleh..weleh... jadi inget klo baca blognya pak himawan
jadi bengong ..bengong deh liat manajemen nya orang cina, sampe pak himawan bilang ... ini kantor apa gudang sih ... hehehe ...

4. harus dipahami dlu berapa sih pemasukan kita, dan sadari klo memang belum sampe ke tahap middle jangan deh paksain buat high class, toh nanti susah sendiri, cukup fokus aja ... dan komitmen untuk menjadi lebih baik itu pasti ...

5. kayaknya yang paling dominan balik lagi ke no 1 deh, (seberapa besar pun penghasilan kita, kita harus pahami kebutuhan2 apa saja sih yang memang saat ini paling kita perlukan, dan harus kita pahami dlu perbedaannya toh )

6. Komitmen lagi =, ya bicara masalah komitmen ... berati kita bicara hidup dan mati ... (beuh .. serius banget) tapi rata-rata memang berat sih bro ... satu kata yang maknanya membutuhkan banyak pengorbanan dan keikhlasan ...

" Mudah-mudahan suatu saat nanti kita ngga' lagi melulu bicara masalah finansial crisis , (minus ini dan itu ) tapi suatu saat nanti kita sudah bicara bagaimana dengan penghasilan yang ada, kita bisa memaksimalkannya untuk berorientasi meningkatkan penghasilan itu sendiri) "

ha ! It's happened again !

cash bon lagiiiiiiiiiii...........


Konfigurasi Samba Server on RedHat Machine

Samba adalah program yang bersifat open source yang menyediakan layanan berbagi berkas (file service) dan berbagi alat pencetak (print service), resolusi nama NetBIOS, dan pengumuman layanan (NetBIOS service announcement/browsing). Sebagai sebuah aplikasi file server, Samba mengizinkan berkas, alat pencetak, dan beberapa sumber daya lainnya agar dapat digunakan oleh banyak pengguna dalam keluarga sistem operasi UNIX, dan mengizinkan interoperabilitas dengan sistem operasi Windows. Samba dibuat berdasarkan protokol Server Message Block (SMB), oleh Andrew Tridgell.

Ok, sekilas diatas adalah Abstraksi mengenai Protokol Samba dan Implementasinya yg saya intip di : wikipedia.org


1. Set IP Pada Redhat Linux (masuklah ke console shell)

# setup

2. Pilih Network Configuration -> (Tekan Tab) Run Tool

3. Pilih network devices yang aktif (dalam project kali ini device eth0, yang akan saya pakai untuk koneksi ke local (client windows)

4. Kemudian isilah IP Statis dan Netmask yang sesuai dengan subnetting infrastruktur jaringan yang akan anda bangun/dalam project kali ini saya memasukkan IP server dengan IP kelas C : ( untuk 16 client

5. Pastikan tanda * pada Use DHCP [ ] anda hilangkan, kemudian (Tekan Tab) Pilih OK -> Quit

6. Ketikkan perintah di console

# service network restart

perintah ini untuk merestart setup tool (dalam hal ini Network Configuration device)

7. Kemudian kita pindah ke client untuk men-set IP client (Windows client)
masuk ke Network Connections -> Local Area Connection -> klik kanan-> properties

8. Pilih Properties -> Internet Protocols TCP/IP dan masukkan Subnetting IP untuk client
/dalam project kali ini saya memasukkan IP kelas C : ( untuk 16 client

9. Pilih OK dan buka command prompt, lalu cobalah tes ping ke computer server jika ada respon reply packet (ack) dari computer server maka koneksi anda berjalan, namun jika tidak cobalah untuk merepair Local area network atau cek fisik kabel/lan card anda.

10. Cek juga ping dari computer server anda ke computer client

11. Kemudian cek service paket samba, apakah paket ini sudah terinstall atau belum dengan mengetikkan perintah

# rpm qa | grep samba

jika paket samba sudah terinstal maka akan keluar output seperti ini :

namun, jika paket samba belum ada, anda bisa mendownloadnya disini

12. lalu masuklah ke dalam direktori etc/samba

# cd /etc/samba/

# ls –l

# nano smb.conf

13. setelah itu carilah tag Global settings dan edit workgroup, server string dan netbios name dengan nama konfigurasi anda sendiri lalu simpan dengan menekan Ctr+O dan Keluar Ctrl-X

14. lalu carilah pada bagian tag [homes] share definitions dan ubah command menjadi yes pada browseable dan writable

15. Selanjutnya Ketikkan perintah

# service smb start

# service winbind start

# smbpasswd –a root (menambah user root menjadi user samba)

# passwd [*****] (masukkan password root)

Note : Anda juga bisa menambahkan user2 baru untuk mengakses file sharing ini dengan menambahkan user unix dan user samba yang lainnya (dalam project kali ini saya memasukkan user “zaid”)

# useradd zaid (menambah user unix)

# passwd [zaid]

New unix password : [masukkan password unix (root)]

# smbpasswd –a zaid

# password [*****]

(dalam project kali ini saya memasukkan dua user : faza dan zaid)

16. Kemudian kita beralih lagi ke computer client dan mengubah workgroup menjadi sama dengan workgroup yang kita masukkan pada smb.conf (dalam project kali ini saya memasukkan workgroup dengan nama MDGS-SERVER

16. Klik OK lalu beberapa saat wizard pada windows akan mencari workgroup aktif yang sama dan akan muncul halaman ini jika konfigurasi kita berhasil

Welcome to the MDGS-SERVER workgroup

setelah itu klik OK dan restart

17. Setelah computer di restart maka untuk mengecek dan membuka koneksi workgroup yang telah kita buat masuklah ke:

My Network Place -> Klik Kanan Explore -> Entire Network -> Microsoft Windows Network -> MDGS-SERVER

18. Dan apabila pada explore terlihat ada 2 buah netbios yang aktif , Cobalah masuk pada computer server (dalam project kali ini : INCENT (Incent-Server)

19. Masukkan SMB User dan Password yang telah anda buat sebelumnya (misal user faza ) Klik OK

20. Maka akan keluar tampilan dua buah folder yang disharing pada computer server
contoh folder home dan user faza dimana anda bebas untuk bersharing ria files anda yg berharga itu.

Sekian :) ...

by : Zaid Amin


The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and North Africa

Dr. Anita Borg
(1949-2003) devoted her adult life to revolutionising the way we think about technology and dismantling barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields. Her combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.

Google has published information from Google Europe Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship 2009, which aims to promote women to results in the field of computers and technology as well as active role models and leaders. Scholarships are open to students that his last year bachelor’s degree or enrolled in master’s or doctoral degree (or equivalent) in 2009/2010.

Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic background and demonstrated leadership. A group of female
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD student finalists will be chosen from the applicant pool. The scholarship recipients, selected from the finalists, will each receive a €5,000 (or equivalent) scholarship for the 2009/2010 academic year.

In June 2009, all finalists will be invited to visit Google’s European Engineering Centre in Zurich for a networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity for all finalists to meet and share their experiences.

Eligibility requirements
Candidates must:

* be a female student entering her final year of a Bachelor’s degree, or enrolled in an a Master’s or PhD programme (or equivalent), in 2009/2010.
* be enrolled at a University in Europe. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply.
* be studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related technical field.
* maintain an excellent academic record (e.g. a First Class Honours degree).

How to apply

Please complete the online application form and submit the requested documentation by 26th January 2009. All application documents must be in English.

All applications will be acknowledged by email. Finalists will be notified in April 2009. Scholarship recipients will be selected from the finalists.

For more details information visit the website

Go through to this great chance, find the real you here (Note: hehehe .. Only for women)


Personality Assesment

Yeah, the power of blog is trully amazing and unpredictable ...

when I've surf in the gulf community, first I don't to interest for footnote, ads google or somethin, I suggest just another junk or advertise.

but I knew I must get positive thinking every day !!! ...

so when I've browse in the massive internet, I found a link for site who can measure our skill, personality and another International assesment for advanced carier, skill test and many more.

and I've log on .... ;)

how suprised I'm, when I've get promoted to get Certificate of C++, Unix Programmer, Linux Administrator and there is Cisco Network Supported too ... how glad I'm ..

but in the open of the test, I choose personality assesment test for the firs start.

and here they 're the results :


Brainbench Personality Assessment - Evaluation Report

Important. Please see the note below. They provide you with additional information in interpreting your scores.


Trait |<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->| Trait
Introverted |..................X.....................| Extraverted
Candid |......................................X.| Considerate
Impulsive |..........X.............................| Cautious
Excitable |......X.................................| Relaxed
Practical |......X.................................| Imaginative
Concrete |......X.................................| Abstract
|<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->|

Your Social Boldness: Introverted VS Extraverted
You are slightly introverted. Do you ever say to people,
"I'm really an introvert" and then they look at you funny?
That's because you can be both Extraverted and introverted,
but in social situations people see you as an Extravert.
Your enthusiastic and self-confident personality, plus your
ease at talking to strangers gives the appearance that you
are outgoing, even though you may attribute it to just
being a friendly person. You find yourself at the center of
attention, even though you may not actively seek that
position. You are such a warm person that people like to
follow you. Which is good, since you have no problem
accepting your role as a leader when it is given to you.
With your ability to flow easily from shy to outgoing, you
may tend to easily flow from exciting adventures to
relaxing times at home. This makes you a fun person to be
around, because you do not always have to be on the go, yet
you know there is more to life than reading and watching TV.

Your Agreeableness: Candid VS Considerate
You are very considerate. You are a popular person, aren't
you? Of course you are. You truly value harmony in dealing
with others. People recognize your friendly, generous, and
helpful personality. Your easy-going, agreeable nature
makes you such a joy to be around. This is especially true
in meetings or general conversations. The topic may become
heated, but you are considerate of other's feelings and you
will find a happy medium in order to placate those around
you. This is because you have an optimistic view of human
nature and you realize that if you trust people with their
decisions that they are not trying to hurt you or take
advantage of you. This special and rare quality is also
seen in your altruism. You enjoy helping others. To you it
is not a sacrifice; to you it is fulfilling to help others
in need.

Your Self-Control: Impulsive VS Cautious
You are moderately impulsive. At times you can be
impulsive, but not to the point where you are jeopardizing
work or relationships. You know when to follow rules, but
you also know when to bend rules that are not set in stone.
If your home or work space gets a little messy, you do not
get upset or feel compelled to tidy up. You do not have to
have perfect order in your life to feel good about yourself
or your environment. You tend to be more on the fun side of
spontaneity, and enjoy being flexible with your plans and
your life. In general, you prefer to make short-term goals
rather than long-term goals.

Your Anxiety Level: Excitable VS Relaxed
You are quite excitable. You do not like stressful
situations. You tend to react emotionally to stress, which
can lead to bad moods, or even anxiety, anger, or
depression. You like to be treated fairly, and may become
upset if you sense that someone is trying to cheat you. You
may find urges and cravings irresistible to the point that
you are giving into them even if you know you will regret
it or feel guilty later. Sometimes you may feel
uncomfortable in social situations, even thinking that
others are judging you. This self-consciousness may show
through as shyness, because you do not want people to think
poorly of you. You tend to worry and are apprehensive in
unfamiliar circumstances.

Your Openness to Change: Practical VS Imaginative
You are quite practical. You want just the facts - keep it
plain and simple. You are practical, pragmatic and well
grounded. You have no time for carelessness and
impracticality. You prefer to keep your emotions to
yourself, rather than exposing your feelings to the world.
Life moves along much better for you when you can maintain
a schedule and have routine in your life. Unexpected
surprises and chaos are a major inconvenience to you. You
tend to be conservative and are somewhat resistant to
change. Others respect your ability to act properly in your
everyday life.

The way you Think/Reason: Concrete VS Abstract
You are quite concrete in your thinking. You tend to prefer
the plain, straightforward, and obvious to the complex,
ambiguous, and subtle. You might even regard the arts and
sciences with suspicion, regarding these endeavors as
abstruse or of no practical use. You believe that
intellect should not be equated with intelligence, as
intellect is an intellectual style, not an intellectual


(1) The report sent to your computer screen upon the
completion of this assessment is only a temporary web page.
When you exit your web browser you will not be able to
return to this URL to re-access your report. A copy of the
report is emailed directly to you when you complete the

(2) Personality traits describe, relative to other people,
the frequency or intensity of a person's feelings,
thoughts, or behaviors. Possession of a trait is therefore
a matter of degree. We might describe two individuals as
extraverts, but still see one as more extraverted than the
other. This report uses expressions such as "extravert" or
"high in extraversion" to describe someone who is likely to
be seen by others as relatively extraverted.

(3) Please keep in mind that scores on a personality
assessment are neither good nor bad. As with any
personality inventory, scores and descriptions can only
approximate an individual's actual personality. Questions
about the accuracy of your results are best resolved by
reviewing and discussing your report with people who know
you well.


I think you must try this assesment, and enjoy the advantage ... ;)




Insan Agung

Insan Agung

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