when I've surf in the gulf community, first I don't to interest for footnote, ads google or somethin, I suggest just another junk or advertise.
but I knew I must get positive thinking every day !!! ...
so when I've browse in the massive internet, I found a link for site who can measure our skill, personality and another International assesment for advanced carier, skill test and many more.
and I've log on .... ;)
how suprised I'm, when I've get promoted to get Certificate of C++, Unix Programmer, Linux Administrator and there is Cisco Network Supported too ... how glad I'm ..
but in the open of the test, I choose personality assesment test for the firs start.
and here they 're the results :
Brainbench Personality Assessment - Evaluation Report
Important. Please see the note below. They provide you with additional information in interpreting your scores.
PERSONALITY EVALUATION: ------------------------------ Trait |<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->| Trait ------------------------------ Introverted |..................X.......... Candid |............................. Impulsive |..........X.................. Excitable |......X...................... Practical |......X...................... Concrete |......X...................... ------------------------------ |<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->| ------------------------------ Your Social Boldness: Introverted VS Extraverted ------------------------------ You are slightly introverted. Do you ever say to people, "I'm really an introvert" and then they look at you funny? That's because you can be both Extraverted and introverted, but in social situations people see you as an Extravert. Your enthusiastic and self-confident personality, plus your ease at talking to strangers gives the appearance that you are outgoing, even though you may attribute it to just being a friendly person. You find yourself at the center of attention, even though you may not actively seek that position. You are such a warm person that people like to follow you. Which is good, since you have no problem accepting your role as a leader when it is given to you. With your ability to flow easily from shy to outgoing, you may tend to easily flow from exciting adventures to relaxing times at home. This makes you a fun person to be around, because you do not always have to be on the go, yet you know there is more to life than reading and watching TV. Your Agreeableness: Candid VS Considerate ------------------------------ You are very considerate. You are a popular person, aren't you? Of course you are. You truly value harmony in dealing with others. People recognize your friendly, generous, and helpful personality. Your easy-going, agreeable nature makes you such a joy to be around. This is especially true in meetings or general conversations. The topic may become heated, but you are considerate of other's feelings and you will find a happy medium in order to placate those around you. This is because you have an optimistic view of human nature and you realize that if you trust people with their decisions that they are not trying to hurt you or take advantage of you. This special and rare quality is also seen in your altruism. You enjoy helping others. To you it is not a sacrifice; to you it is fulfilling to help others in need. Your Self-Control: Impulsive VS Cautious ------------------------------ You are moderately impulsive. At times you can be impulsive, but not to the point where you are jeopardizing work or relationships. You know when to follow rules, but you also know when to bend rules that are not set in stone. If your home or work space gets a little messy, you do not get upset or feel compelled to tidy up. You do not have to have perfect order in your life to feel good about yourself or your environment. You tend to be more on the fun side of spontaneity, and enjoy being flexible with your plans and your life. In general, you prefer to make short-term goals rather than long-term goals. Your Anxiety Level: Excitable VS Relaxed ------------------------------ You are quite excitable. You do not like stressful situations. You tend to react emotionally to stress, which can lead to bad moods, or even anxiety, anger, or depression. You like to be treated fairly, and may become upset if you sense that someone is trying to cheat you. You may find urges and cravings irresistible to the point that you are giving into them even if you know you will regret it or feel guilty later. Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable in social situations, even thinking that others are judging you. This self-consciousness may show through as shyness, because you do not want people to think poorly of you. You tend to worry and are apprehensive in unfamiliar circumstances. Your Openness to Change: Practical VS Imaginative ------------------------------ You are quite practical. You want just the facts - keep it plain and simple. You are practical, pragmatic and well grounded. You have no time for carelessness and impracticality. You prefer to keep your emotions to yourself, rather than exposing your feelings to the world. Life moves along much better for you when you can maintain a schedule and have routine in your life. Unexpected surprises and chaos are a major inconvenience to you. You tend to be conservative and are somewhat resistant to change. Others respect your ability to act properly in your everyday life. The way you Think/Reason: Concrete VS Abstract ------------------------------ You are quite concrete in your thinking. You tend to prefer the plain, straightforward, and obvious to the complex, ambiguous, and subtle. You might even regard the arts and sciences with suspicion, regarding these endeavors as abstruse or of no practical use. You believe that intellect should not be equated with intelligence, as intellect is an intellectual style, not an intellectual ability. INTERPRETATION NOTES (1) The report sent to your computer screen upon the completion of this assessment is only a temporary web page. When you exit your web browser you will not be able to return to this URL to re-access your report. A copy of the report is emailed directly to you when you complete the assessment. (2) Personality traits describe, relative to other people, the frequency or intensity of a person's feelings, thoughts, or behaviors. Possession of a trait is therefore a matter of degree. We might describe two individuals as extraverts, but still see one as more extraverted than the other. This report uses expressions such as "extravert" or "high in extraversion" to describe someone who is likely to be seen by others as relatively extraverted. (3) Please keep in mind that scores on a personality assessment are neither good nor bad. As with any personality inventory, scores and descriptions can only approximate an individual's actual personality. Questions about the accuracy of your results are best resolved by reviewing and discussing your report with people who know you well. |